Monthly Archives: August 2015

The Introduction

First “WELCOME” to Effective and Efficient Blog.  My name is Chris and I hoping to develop a blog that shares my knowledge and experiences in being Effective and Efficient in the work place and in life.  It is my goal to share my personal experience with you to improve the work experience as well as each of our lives.


As time progresses I will hit on topics of  Time Management, Footprints, Utilization, Efficiency and other aspects of process improvements.  Also, I will explore utilizing these skills in day-to-day life to help improve your lifestyle, and maybe make some extra money finding your niche.


I am an 18 year first hand worker in the manufacturing field.  I started from the very bottom and have worked my way to a manager level.  Everything I have learned has been from someone who does the job and the books that were provided by the people who do the job.  Seeing both sides of the business, I have noticed there are many disconnects that occur, and I would like to help identify and create solutions to these issues.  Please feel free to speak what you would like based off of knowledge and facts, but please let’s be professional about it.  I believe you learn something new from someone every time you speak with them or read something from them.  That information can be utilized somewhere in your life to benefit you or the organization that you work for.  Remember that you are always working to improve you and your life, so take the opportunities that are available.  Each path can lead you to another, and even though we may falter a few times getting up and progressing towards your goals are what make us get up every morning.


Thank you and please check back.